Archive for March, 2013

This Is a Thing: Amanda Byne’s Totally Bonkers Drake Tweet
March 22, 2013

amanda bynes drake murder my vagina tweet

Ummm…should we be worried for Amanda Bynes? More importantly, should we be worried for her vagina? I don’t know. Sure, this is by no means the most immaculate f*ck tweet ever tweeted, but then again…


The Latest Lindsay Lohan Mugshot Is the Best Lindsay Lohan Mugshot
March 20, 2013


As we’ve all probably heard, Fornarina fashionista and coulda-shoulda Black Swan queen Lindsay Lohan opted for 90 days in lockdown rehab after pleading “no contest” to reckless driving and lying to the cops. This is why you’re being served some hardened-prison-bitch realness right now. (That cocked eyebrow is killing it…with a shank.) ANYWAYS, I’m convinced this is Lindsay Lohan’s best mugshot, so let’s discuss why:
