Today’s Fabulous Image in Cinema: Angelina Jolie in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Estimated budget of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow as according to Box Office Mojo?  $70 million.  Total worldwide box office of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, again, as according to Box Office Mojo?  $57, 958, 696; in other words, just shy of $58 million.  If you’re going to be an accountant about it, I guess that makes Kerry Conran’s loving homage to Classic Hollywood film serials, kitschy sci fi aesthetics, and New York City architecture in the late 1930s (seriously, the scene where Gwyneth Paltrow goes into Radio City Music Hall is an instant Art Decorgasm) something of a box office failure.  Not an outright bomb, for sure, but also not about to get Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 2: 2 Late for 2morrow greenlit any time soon.  BOOO, 0bviously.  Obviously?  Obviously.

You see, this realization is such a shame because Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow gave us today’s above Fabulous Image in Cinema, which is Angelina Jolie bringing some spectacular Nailed-That-Line-Ferociously FACE (which she smartly accessorizes with an eyepatch) right after she struts up to the camera and orders “Alert the amphibious squadron!”, and you know what?  That moment is fucking fabulous enough to warrant a sequel all on its own, if only so Angelina Jolie can strut up to the camera and boomingly intone, “Alert the amphibian squadron…AGAIN!” and then strut off camera bringing so.  Much.  FACE.  Maybe with two eyepatches?!?  Alas, the world shall never know.

Oh, and do be sure to click to enlarge and appreciate the fabulous-to-the-point-of-priceless fabulousness of it all.

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