U2 NLOTH Haiku Review: “Magnificent”

Benjamin made a promise to review every track off No Line on the Horizon, one a day, leading up to the official release on March 3.  Whoopsies!  Unfortunately, he can’t write about music for a damn as he studied film; it’s all “chiming Edge guitar” this and “propulsive rhythm by Larry and Adam” that, blah blah BLECH.  Instead, he’s embraced the new-found experimentation that U2 has clearly found: why review when you can haiku?  So put on your crazy boots, ‘cos here comes the next round:

Two reviews in one day?  Isn’t this supposed to be daily?” you ask.  

“Tacky, insolent reader,” I reply, “I was too busy writing about blue genitals on Friday.  Recognize the priorities!  Today is catch-up day, and tomorrow we’ll return to our regularly scheduled program.”

“Fair is fair,” you respond.  As you should.

The new haiku review drops NOW:


Whew!  Another down.  I think I may be getting the hang of this.  Haikus are fun (and by fun, I should say that they’re a lazy man’s review)!  Only nine more left!  We can do this!  Hold onto your haiku hats, ‘cos tomorrow gets another!

Oh, and as always, you can stream No Line on the Horizon on U2’s Myspace, so you can hear of which I haiku.

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