Betty White Quasi-Outed Cary Grant or: Oh Look, Another Reason to Love Betty White and Cary Grant
June 17, 2010

In case you’ve ever been curious, here’s a picture of Randolph Scott and Cary Grant enjoying dinner:

cary grant and randolph scott having dinner

It should come as neither a secret nor surprising that I find Cary Grant to be as ridiculously sexy as I find donut bacon cheeseburgers to be ridiculously delicious, and of course I’ve heard the rumors that he and fellow actor Randolph Scott were a lil’ bit (to borrow a word from David Bret, author of the thoroughly trashtastic–and highly recommended by me–Joan Crawford bio, Joan Crawford: Hollywood Martyr) lavendar, but I never realized what a hot piece Randolph Scott was. Seriously, if Cary Grant just so happened to be thinking about how much Randolph Scott’s mustache tickles instead of how delightful the chicken was when that picture was taken, could you really blame him?

ANYWAYS, Betty White was on The Joy Behar Show last night, and that Newsweek story that never dies came up as a topic of conversation, at which point Betty White inadvertently revealed that Cary Grant was probably thinking about Randolph Scott’s “mustache” after all. Here’s the video from over at Queerty:


Happy Birthday, Elizabeth Taylor!
February 27, 2010

Maybe it’s the way this still from Ash Wednesday makes me curse the fact that it is still not out on DVD for me to witness this:

Elizabeth Taylor in "Ash Wednesday"


Or maybe it’s the exquisite tingle her delivery of Catherine’s climactic monologue in [obligatory spoiler warning] Suddenly, Last Summer:
