Harry Potter and the Fan Video That Should Should Not Exist

I won’t bother going into the curious chain of events that lead me to scouring YouTube for Liz Phair’s ridiculously catchy and gloriously NSFW ode to a certain bodily fluid because I like to have a little mystery every once and a while.  Also, I’m not the one who used “H.W.C.” in their homoerotic Dumbledore fan video, so I shouldn’t have to explain myself right now:


I mean, on one hand, there’s this moment that reminds us why the internet is the best:

Which, coupled with the song, makes me think whoever made this video intended this to be a joke.  A really awkward, NAMBLAriffic joke.  Particularly at the 1:25 mark.

On the other hand, though, Chris Hanson’s still taking our asses straight to Azkaban for this one.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect 200 muggle dollars.

On the plus side, we’ll have plenty of time to write thank you letters to Dance with Shadows for making Brokeback Dumbledore a reality.

3 Responses

  1. […] into a Brokeback Lost Island, and this is just the song to score it.  Seriously, if there’s a Dumbledore fan video set to Liz Phair’s “H.W.C.”, we can most certainly make this one happen.  Plus Five (+5) Interwebs if Richard Alpert gets […]


  2. […] into a Brokeback Lost Island, and this is just the song to score it.  Seriously, if there’s a Dumbledore fan video set to Liz Phair’s “H.W.C.”, we can most certainly make this one happen.  Plus Five (+5) Interwebs if Richard Alpert gets […]


  3. […] The most important thing, though, is that it looks like Dumbledore will be getting himself a prison bitch. […]


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